Monday, April 9, 2012

Nature-Life Photos/Stills (Part #2)

     So, sorry that it's late and all, but i'm back and I hope you all a pretty good Easter. But I have some Nature-Life Stills in the Easter basket, so that's good enough for me. I don't know about you, but it seems I like taking pictures of Canadian Geese every time I visit Hines Drive/Park. I know some upcoming Photographer has a hard time taking picture of one, but it's not too hard. One must be stealth-like when taking photos of a squirrel or the Canadian Geese for that matter. Wait a minute, I stand corrected, it's easy to take a picture of the Geese, but don't get to close or they'll fly away. The 3rd Photograph brings out the photographer in me yet again when shot a photo of the Geese gazing at the Sunset. That will go into my DeviantART. If you like, then go to my Deviant page at . Any negative comments will be deleted and blocked. Enjoy the rest of this post, more photos on the blog coming soon.

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